I looked into 11ty today to see if it could be worth migrating away from hugo, which is how (at the time of this post) I build my blog. After a bit of research and browsing, I setup this template and copied over some posts. Some over my older posts were using Hugo’s markup for syntax highlighting. I converted these to standard markdown code fences (which was worthwhile regardless). I also needed to adjust linking between posts. In Hugo, I use ref. In 11ty, these need to be relative links, e.g. /posts/2023/future-of-personal-knowledge. In Hugo, this approach works as well, so I may move to it.

After getting an initial build working, I took stock of my progress and where I aimed to end up. 11ty feels more easily configurable than Hugo. I prefer the template language (Liquid) used by the 11ty template I chose over what Hugo uses. However, I was still many hours away from getting to a spot I was happy with and decided to stop. I might consider 11ty again when starting something new, but right now, a full migration doesn’t seem worth it.